Archive for January, 2012

Russell’s Prized Christmas Gift – Google TV!

The coveted GoogleTV

The plan was to get Russell a Blue Ray player for Christmas 2011. After comparing pricing and reading reviews, I decided to go ahead and get a Sony Blue Ray player with Google TV. I wasn’t even sure what all it would do until he opened and set it up, but it was totally worth the wait. There is one remote that controls everything….the TV, the Wii, the Blue Ray player, etc. The best part in my opinion is the ease of switching from one type of media to another, AND the google browser. I would recommend this over AppleTV any day even though I am a heavy mac user.

The set-up of the box was quite easy however getting it setup in our house was a little tricky. We decided to move all the other boxes into the office that shares a wall with the living room. After destroying a drill bit, switching to a different drill and getting through two inches of wood and twelve inches of plaster, we finally made a hole from the living room to the office.

Russell, his drill and glow stick

We set up the boxes and thought everything was fine but of course we started having issues with the wireless internet (a consistent problem for us). There is only one cable outlet in the office that works well, so we had to send the wire down through the wall. After one unsuccessful attempt to find the wire, we pulled the wire out, taped on a glow stick (thanks Liz!) and sent it back in for other try. I spent five minutes fishing in the wall with a wire coat hanger before I was able to pull the wire out and attach it to the cable outlet.

Under the office desk with wire and glow stick in hand

Russell enjoys the Google TV, especially the “picture in picture” feature because he can see his fantasy scores while watching sports. 🙂

"Picture in Picture" Feature

This was quite an adventure in the house project arena.

Atlanta Botanical Garden – Christmas Lights

The Lights at the Atlanta Botanical Garden are a definite must see for the winter season. Russell and I found a Groupon for discounted admission. The atmosphere is magical and some of the light shows were timed with music.

If you didn’t get a chance to visit I would recommend it for next year.


Winter Wreaths

So, I have some major blogging to catch up on…..


The Holidays were so busy with family visits, traveling, crafts and under the weather moments.  Now I am finally able to catch up! 

Russell help me make some wreaths for the winter season.  Russell’s Grandmother graciously allowed us to take dozens of muscadine vines from her yard for the project.  We sprayed them various shades of silver with a few strands of white in the mix.  Russell is a master wreath weaver and gave me a lesson in wreath making.  Lucky me!  🙂 We ended up with four for our house and gave two away as Christmas gifts.  Most of the wreaths got some silver garland or a silver Reindeer ornament to finish the look.  The wreaths fit in nicely with the house’s winter wonderland theme.

Bringing the vines in after painting

Sorting the different colors

The Master Crafter


Another lovely wreath

The Front Door